Our History

Embark on a journey through time as we delve into the rich history of Lockwood!

As Lockwood celebrates its 90th year anniversary, we reflect on the incredible journey that has brought us to this significant milestone. For nearly a century, Lockwood has been dedicated to leaving a lasting impact on the homes and businesses of our customers. From Lockwood’s humble beginnings in America to its expansion into Australia, Lockwood's story is one of enduring success. 


  • 1930: American management consultant, John Stanley arrives in Australia from America and purchases a small importing business, known as Key Hardware Pty Ltd.
  • 1934: John Stanley Ogden founded John Ogden industries Ltd with the vision of establishing an enterprise in Australia, which would be known for its quality products.
  • 1939: During World War II, John Ogden Industries Ltd. Manufactures syringes and weaponry for the Army Medical Corps.


  • 1943: On the 11th May 1943, the Ogden factory was engulfed by fire – just five weeks later John Stanley Ogden passed away.
  • John Ogden Industries Ltd. Is purchased by Noyes Melbourne – ironically, the company which first employed John Stanley Ogden upon his arrival in Australia, was the company that purchased his empire on passing.
  • In August 1943, the company was re-erected on the present site, operating under the name Ogden Industries, a subsidiary of Noyes Bros (Melbourne) Pty Ltd.


  • 1954: N.K.S (Holdings) Ltd. Is formed to acquire the issued capital of Noyes Bros. (Melbourne) Ltd. And Knox Schlapp Ltd. As parent company, N.K.S Holdings Ltd. Controls Ogden Industries Pty. Ltd. and several other companies.


  • 1963: Ogden Industries commences production of the Lockwood 570 Series Mortice Lock – establishing a benchmark in the market still prominent to this day.
  • 1965: Lockwood 408 Series Door Closer introduced into the Lockwood range



  • 1977: Months of research and development by Gerry Dunphy and his staff culminated in the successful launch of the Lockwood 001 Double Cylinder Automatic Deadlatch.



  • 1983: Ogden Industries introduces the Lockwood 007 High Security Double Cylinder Deadbolt.
  • 1982: National Consolidated Limited (NCL) acquires NKS HOLDINGS.
  • 1984: Lockwood debuts V7 in Australia alongside the introduction of the 2000 Series Aluminum Door Furniture, 870 Keyed Window Winder, and 877 Non-Keyed Window Winder.
  • 1985: Ogden Industries celebrates its 50th anniversary, marking five decades of securing homes and businesses throughout Australia.
  • 1986: Ogden Industries invests $3 million in renovating the Lockwood factory in Oakleigh, Victoria.
  • 1988: Ogden Industries acquires Efco, establishing Lockwood Arrow as a new manufacturing subsidiary. 



  • 1990: Efco Door Furniture – “Symphony” collection launch.
  • 1990: Lockwood produces its two millionth 001 Deadlatch.
  • 1992: Ogden Industries launches the Lockwood Electric Mortice Deadlatch.
  • 1993: Email Ltd. acquires Ogden Industries.
  • 1993: Ogden Industries release the Lockwood 426 Series – the first ever Australian made adjustable power hydraulic door closer.
  • 1994: Ogden industries becomes Lockwood Australia Pty. Ltd. Having been acquired by Email Ltd., Lockwood and Whitco were operated as separated brands/ businesses under the parent of Lockwood Australia Limited.
  • 1995: In May 1995, Whitco, Lockwood and Efco were amalgamated into the parent company, Lockwood Australia limited.
  • 1995: Synergy 3570/ 3580 Mortice Locks released.
  • 1999: ASSA ABLOY purchases 50% share of Lockwood Australia Limited and forms a new entity, Lockwood Security Products Pty Ltd.



  • 2000: Lockwood launches Twin Keying System - one of the 1st collaboration with the larger ASSA ABLOY group.
  • 2001: ASSA ABLOY purchases the remaining 50% of Lockwood Australia Limited from Email Ltd., assuming full ownership.
  • 2005: In January, Lockwood Security Products Pty. Ltd. formally becomes ASSA ABLOY Australia Limited.
  • 2006: On 30th August, the Honourable John Brumby MP officially reopens the 5.4 hectare Oakleigh site, having undergone a $16 million redevelopment.
  • 2006: Lockwood launches Nexion Keyless Electronic Front Door suite.
    The redevelopment of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) for the 2006 Commonwealth Games was a significant project aimed at enhancing the iconic venue to host the prestigious event.
  • 2008: Padde by Lockwood launch the ES9000 Preload Strike.


  • Lockwood facilitate Royal Childrens Hospital.
  • Lockwood launches Selector Mortice Lock
  • Lockwood launches Brass Core Range
  • ASSA ABLOY / Lockwood Australia introduce the recognition of Ladies who Locksmith. Highlighting the hardworking nature of women in the industry.
  • Lockwood facilitate Burwood brickworks: The worlds Most Sustainable Shopping center with Lockwood product such as the Lockwood Brass Core range.



  • Lockwood Brass Core levers were placed on display at the NGV Melbourne. Highlighting the collaboration of product design between Lockwood and Studio Periscope, an industrial design agency in Melbourne.
  • Lockwood Brass Core range wins Good Design Awards
  • Lockwood Brass Core range specified and installed into Nightingale projects due to their sustainability rating.
  • Lockwood launches Selector 3728EL Mortice Lock.
In 2024, we celebrate 90 years of security, innovation, and reliability, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to safeguarding homes and businesses. Since our beginning in 1934, we've continually evolved, pioneering cutting-edge technologies, and setting industry standards to ensure peace of mind for our customers.As we commemorate this journey, we reaffirm our dedication to providing state-of-the-art security solutions, empowering communities to thrive in an ever-changing world.