Frequently Asked Questions

  • They have been specially designed on a master key system to allow power meter readers access to open all locks.

  • Key copying is strictly controlled for Victoria Power Industry Locks®. Registering your card is for your conveniance in the case you lose your security card or key. If you have registered you can provide a current energy statement in place of your security card or key.

  • If you have registered you can use a current energy statement and provide your key number to have another key cut. You will need to fill out the Replacement Key Requisition Form to supply with your order. If you did not register you will not be able to have another key cut.

  • If you have registered you can use a current energy statement and provide your security card number to have another key cut. You will need to fill out the Replacement Key Requisition Form to supply with your order. If you did not register you will not be able to have another key cut.

  • Yes, multiple locks can be ordered to the same key. The locks will be made specifically to match your key.

  • Without knowing who has keys, for security we recommend you contact a Locksmith to have the lock removed and replaced with a new one.

  • Victorian Power Industry Locks® (VPIL) master keys are controlled by the VESI Group companies and only available to them.