• Levers and Roses
    High purity zinc alloy. A rose cover is supplied to conceal internal fixing screws.

    Door Thickness
    32 to 45mm (all functions except 934 and 954 which suit doors 35 to 41mm).

    70mm standard backset. 60mm and 127mm latches available separately

    13mm projection.


    • 5 pin tumbler mechanism
    • Brass cylinder and brass barrel

    Field adjustable handing.

    Satin Chrome Brushed SC

    Fire Rating
    Lockwood Key in Lever Locksets have been successfully tested to 2 hours on fire door assemblies in accordance with Australian Standard AS1905 Part 1: Fire Resistant Doorsets.


    Standard Keying

    • Supplied individually keyed with two keys per lock
    • 78,000 key combinations
    • Key blank KB2015P

    Restricted Special Keying

    Lockwood locks can be keyed to a number of controlled and/or specially keyed systems. These range from legally protected keys to protect against unauthorised duplication, which can also include specially designed key systems such as master key systems, which allow for different levels of mechanical access control.

    Lockwood Keying Platforms - more information


    930 Series


    950 Series

  • Trade Pack

    Exterior Escape Lockset

    DescriptionPart NumberBarcode
    929 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset929SC93-11847-18662-0
    949 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset949SC93-11847-18710-8


    Exterior Lockset

    DescriptionPart NumberBarcode
    930 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset930SC93-11847-18668-2
    950 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset950SC93-11847-18716-0


    Passage Set

    DescriptionPart NumberBarcode
    931 - Plainlatch 70mm Backset931SC93-11847-18674-3
    951 - Plainlatch 70mm Backset951SC93-11847-18722-1


    Privacy Set

    DescriptionPart NumberBarcode
    932 - Plainlatch 70mm Backset932SC93-11847-18680-4
    952 - Plainlatch 70mm Backset952SC93-11847-18728-3


    Glass Door Lockset

    DescriptionPart NumberBarcode
    934 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset934SC93-11847-18692-7
    954 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset954SC93-11847-18740-5


    Escape Lockset

    DescriptionPart NumberBarcode
    936 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset936SC93-11847-18698-9
    956 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset956SC93-11847-18746-7


    Storeroom Escape Lockset

    DescriptionPart NumberBarcode
    938 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset938SC93-11847-18704-7
    958 - Deadlatch 70mm Backset958SC93-11847-18752-8

    Note: For additional options in the 930 & 950 series product range, please refer to the commercial price list or contact a customer service representative on 1300 lock up.


    Long- Lipped Strike

    DescriptionPart Number
    Satin Chrome Brushed530-153SC


    530 Rebated Conversion Kit

    DescriptionPart Number
    Satin Chrome Brushed530-9SC


    Tubular Latches

    DescriptionPart NumberBarcode
    Plainlatch - 60mm Backset531-122SC93-11847-46612-8
    Deadlatch - 60mm Backset530-12SC93-11847-46374-5
    Plainlatch - 70mm Backset531-222SC93-11847-46009-6
    Deadlatch - 70mm Backset530-222SC93-11847-46477-3
    127mm Backset, SC530-225SC93-11847-46315-8

Related products

  • Lockwood 530/930 Key in Lever/Key in Knob Combination

    Combining an 530 Knob with the 930 lever handle.
  • Lockwood 530/950 Key in Lever/Key in Knob Combination

    Combining an 530 Knob with the 950 lever handle.