• Voltage
    10 - 30Vdc

    250mA @12Vdc - 130mA @24Vdc

    Solenoid rated for continuous use

    Electrical protection
    Polarity and back EMF protected

    Solenoid Monitor - 1 amp NO/NC microswitch
    Door / Latch Monitor - 1 amp NO/NC microswitch

    Holding force
    1300kg static strength rating

    1,200,000 cycles endurance rating @ 25kg pre-load
    2,500,000 cycles general durability without pre-load conditions

    Suitable for 15mm latch with 3mm door gap

    Operational temperature range - 20C to +60C

    Solid Stainless Steel Construction

    Stainless Steel

    Specification Statement
    The electric strike should be fully monitored and have independent door / latch and solenoid monitor switches. Holding force for the strike should be not less than 1300kg.

    Where Power to Lock and Power to Open functions may be required in the same building, a single electric strike should be interchangeable from either fail safe or fail secure from the rear of the strike.

    The electric strike should not consume current greater than 250mA @ 12Vdc and have a solenoid rated for continuous use. A fire rating not less than 4 hours is required where applicable. The strike must be capable of operating with up to 25kg of pre-load pressure applied to the keeper, be tested to 2.5 million operations and carry a minimum warranty of 5 years.



  • Description (Trade Pack)Part number
    ES9000 E/Strike 12-30Vdc M/Funtion Preload MonitoredES9000
    ES9000 E/Strike 12-30Vdc M/Funtion Preload Monitored No LipES9000-010
    ES9000 E/Strike 12-30Vdc M/Funtion Preload Monitored 8mm LipES9000-020
    ES9000 E/Strike 12-30Vdc M/Funtion Preload Monitored Lip HolesES9000-060
    Accessories - 13mm Rebate Plate210100-541
    Accessories - 25mm Extension Lip (40.5mm total)220200-505
    Accessories - 50mm Extension Lip (65.5mm total)220200-506
    Accessories - 75mm Extension Lip (90.5mm total)220200-507
    Accessories - Mounting Kit220200-519
    Note: All ES9000 series electric strikes are supplied in Fail Safe configuration

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