Lockwood MTL™800 is a restricted keying system which is designed for premium protection, flexibility, and convenience with customers' needs in any industry in mind. MTL™800 platform is patent protected in Australia until 2039, and existing MT5+ systems can be easily migrated to MTL™800.
The patented platform provides highest possible level of protection by combining protective elements to create a triple locking mechanism, superior key control, and extensive master-keying capabilities.
Meets high standards to offer anti-drill protection, and enhanced anti-picking features like bumping, and other forms of lock manipulation.
The MTL™800 locking system from Lockwood provides peace of mind!
To guarantee the technical key security of a mechanical locking system it is necessary to select a system that is protected by key patents and also offers a high technical key copy protection. The MTL™800 locking system from Lockwood will achieve both of these.
Lockwood MTL™800 provides the highest possible level of protection against illegal key duplication via the revolutionary double alpha spring. The patented platform combines protective elements to create a triple locking mechanism, superior key control, and extensive master-keying capabilities.
In the centre of Lockwood security: Premium quality MTL™800 locking cylinders for any purpose. Lockwood offers a versatile range of possible applications of mechanical MTL™800 cylinders combined with other Lockwood products. These locks are best installed by combining them with high quality MTL™800 cylinders and can thus also be integrated into locking systems.
Outlined below is a small selection.