Short backset, swing bolt deadlocks suitable for narrow stile hinged doors.
Positive action deadbolt locked or unlocked by either key, turnknob, escape turn or handle. Suitable for sliding doors where lock can be mounted to door jamb and deadbolt engages strike mounted to face of door.
Suitable for heavy duty use in industrial and commercial buildings, institutions, clubs, schools, hospitals, hotels, retail and similar buildings.
All 3540 Series Cylinder Mortice Locks are built of the finest materials, with the easy action and solid feel of the world's finest locks.
Lockwood Synergy® 3540 Short Backset Mortice Deadlock
Sintered stainless steel.
Door Thickness
Suits hollow stile door sections with 28mm internal thickness and 58mm maximum external thickness.
Timber Doors: 32 to 58mm.
Standard Keying
Restricted Special Keying
Lockwood locks can be keyed to a number of controlled and/or specially keyed systems. These range from legally protected keys to protect against unauthorised duplication, which can also include specially designed key systems such as master key systems, which allow for different levels of mechanical access control.
Lockwood Keying Platforms - more information
Standard Finish